miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

6 gifts for hightly sensitive mums

We have the same problem every year for mother's day(or for her birthday..or Christmas, or any other special day): WHAT TF SHOULD I BUY FOR MY MUM?????? Well, I'm going to facilitate this problem, and NO, I'm not going to recommend you to paint a beautiful draw haha.
If you have a hightly sensitive mother(what's only the 15-20% of population) you might know that her brain processes information and reflects on it more deply, so, she is more suscetible to overstimulation, over whelm, stress and anxiety.

This gifts will help you to show her your love and understanding:

2016-04-30-1462051699-6250015-bose.jpg1. Noise-cancelling headphones: for hight sensitive people, the world is a lot nosier than for us. This headphones will help your mum like a "mute bottom" and have time for herself. The best is that even without music, the headphones mitigate ambient sounds by creating frequencies that eliminate the noise at her ear.

2016-04-30-1462051455-9103196-amberglasses.jpg2. Amber glasses: researches find out that aritificial light(even the blue light from electronic devices) lowers melatonin levels and disrupts sleep. For hightly sensitives people are often overestimulated by bright and harsh lights and getting sufficient rest is not enough. This amber-tinted glasses calm this effects to a better welfare.

2016-04-30-1462051287-3045094-wakeuplight.jpg3. Gradual alarm clocks: abrupt, loud or repetitive noises(like alarm clocks) can produce to high sensitive people anxiety and overwhelm. This sudden jolt out from her REM sleep can make of your mum a grumpy person. This Philips alarm eliminate all this problems with gradual sounds.It's display djust automatically according to the natural light in the room. The clock also works with a natural sunset simulator to help her to fall asleep.

2016-04-30-1462053216-1361085-coloringtut.jpg4. Adult coloring books: this year, CNN reported that coloring reduces anxiety, creates focus and have similar effects as meditation. It can reduce your mum's stress and when you colour with her, it will bind us more.

2016-04-30-1462054463-2809487-personalfan2.jpg5. Personal cooling fan: it's called the greatest wireless invention in the history of mankind by  The Handy Cooler Personal Air Conditioner. This portable air conditioner recycles the air and packs a powerful punch that not only cools the person dirctly in front of it. You must only soak the cooling filter with water and turn it on. It also helps to alleviate breathing problems and mosturizes de skin.

2016-04-30-1462049056-3329935-OSTRICHPILLOW_StudioBananaTHiNGS_kawamuraganjavian_03.jpg6. The Ostrich pillow: it's a pillow that sucks your complete head with a hole for your nouse and mouth. It has also one for your hands. It creates a sightless and soundless world. And it's funny to see!! I think I would check it too..

China: Obesity 'explosion' in rural youth, study warns

China has suffered an incease in obesity the last two years: researchers found 17% boys and 9% girls of rural school between the 7 and 18 years that are obese. It's up from 1% for each in 1985. The study involved nearly 28,000 students in Shandong province and has been published in the European Journal of Preventive Crdiology.

Joep Perk, from the European Society of Cardiology told to AFP news agency: "It is the worst explosion of childhood and adolescent obesity that I have ever seen".

This file photo taken on May 25, 2015 shows a nurse taking the blood pressure of an overweight youth during his acupuncture and exercise treatment at the Aimin (Love the People) Fat Reduction Hospital in the northern port city of Tianjin.This change is owing to the China's fast socieconomic and nutritional transition, what had increased energy consume and a decrease in physical activity. Chinese people habituate to have a diet rich in fat, energy density and low dietary fibre.

We can also notice a higher prevalence of oberweight in boys: "The traditional, societal preference for sons, particularly in rural areas, may mean that boys are likely to enjoy more of the family's resources", according to the study.

The study used a weight-to-height squared of 24-27,9 for overweight and 28 and above for obese: a little bit lower than the normal ratio of 25-29,9 and 30 respectively.

The recommendation of the reseacrhers are: "Comprehensive strategies of intervention should include periodic monitoring, education on the pattern of nutrition, physical exercises and healthy dietary behaviour"

*surveys(in the original news)

Personally, I consider this news very interesting because of the final part: the preference from the Chinese people for their sons. Is this so a current problem that it's reflected on nutritional character studies??? It reminds me to Chinese's girl genocides and massive abortions. We're on XXI century and a big part of Chinese's society isn't even conscious of womens rights.

News from the BBC

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

Human rights

Human rights are moral principles based in legal rights that every human dispose regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status.

They were proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris the 10 December 1948.
There are 30 human rights.

Article 22: everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, throught national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

This important article of the Human Rights defense the everyones right to national social security: everyone is a member of society and this means that thanks his national effort and international co-operation in accordance with the organization the right to the resources of each State for improve his economic, social and cultural areas to develop his dignity and personality. I think all this is a very basic right that everyone should can enjoy, white and black, rich and poor, because our politic system must be focused on a basic objective: ensure the welfare of the citiziens, because of this the people pay their taxes.