Well, this is my final post(finally I got it!!) and I will talk about my English transition through my two years in batxillerat. To analyse it, I've choosed two different your-says: one from first batxillerat and one of second batxillerat.
I've been very surprised(and ashamed haha) when I find one of my first your-says on the blog:
first: http://nadiaarenasbat.blogspot.com.es/2015/03/your-say_57.html
second: http://nadiaarenasbat.blogspot.com.es/2016/05/tattoos.html
From the first post I must say: WHY THE HELL I DID THIS???????? It's a your-say without taking care about grammar and syntax, with uncomplete sentences and very short and not deep description of a too easy topic: really, about my cat? I used undifficult adjectives and undifficult sentences(my vocabulary was the same as the vocabulary from my sister who is 13 years old) to do a fast your.say and finish my blog essays, what is very noticeable if I analyse how I wrote.
Comparing this your-say with my last your-say, all is different. This post is rich of vocbulary, have clear and long sentences with sense and it's a deeper topic. There're more details and a organized structure. I must also say that with most of your-says I did this year(especially from the second and the third term) I didn't need the computer too translate words. I can also see it on writings we do in class or in exams.
So, I think my final your-says of the third term in second batxillerat are much much much better than my old posts in first batxillerat. Apart from our class work, I think the fact that I'm much focused on my studies had also helped to improve my blog writings, and I'm proud of my english now. This is noticeable on my wirtings, but also in my listenings we do in class and how I speak now English(withut interrumptions and much more confortable and with more self-confidence). Because of this I'm very thankful to the English teachers I have in batxilllerat, because now I realized the importance of English in thw World.
lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016
sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016
Global sleeping revealed by app data
A study by scientists and published in Science Advances analysed data collected from an app about world's sleeping patterns. It showed things like the Dutch sleep nearly one hour more than people in Singapoore or Japan which had an average of seven hours and 24 minutes sleep while the poeple in the Netherlands had eight hours and 12 minutes, and that women routinely get more sleep than men(middle-aged men the least of all). Researchers say the findings could be used to deal with the "global sleep crisis", and the team at the Michigan University used this app to help people overcome jetlag.
People in the UK averaged under eight hours, less than the French. Country's average bedtime had the biggest impact on the time: the later a country stays up into the night, the less sleep it gets. Time a country wakes up seems to have little effect on sleep duration.
Prof Daniel Forger, one of the researches, told: "Society is pushing us to stay up late, our (body) clocks are trying to get us up earlier and in the middle the amount of sleep is being sacrificed; that's what we think is going on in global sleep crisis. If you look at countries that are really getting less sleep then I'd spend less time worrying about alarm clocks and more about what people are doing at night."
The study shows also that people who spend the most time in natural sunlight tended to go to bed earlier, and that there is a effect of age on sleep: a wide range of sleep and wake-up times was found in young people.
"I think it's interesting, there's been a trend for these studies using data from twitter and apps and finding interesting correlations across the world we've never been able to do by putting people in sleep lab. It highlights that althought our body clocks are programming us to do certain things, we can't as we're ruled by social circumstances. We son't know the long term consequences of this for many years" says Dr Akhilesh Reddy, from the University of Cambridge.
Disrupted sleep in shift workers are linked to health problems like type 2 diabetes.
I think it's a very interesting topic even if you're not an undierstanded perso in this area. Because of this we can see the negative and positive influences of the differents lifestyles of the countries and how this affects the sleep.
News item by BBC
My favourite way of art are tattoos. Yes, for me and thousands of people tattoos are art embodied on people's skins.There can be people against them, and peoeple in favor them, but nobody can deny that there're big artworks in some tattoos.
Sometimes, people don't know what get tattoed but have an idea. With this idea, you must achieve a cool draw that will go with them in their bodies for always(as long as they don't eliminate it with laser). The draws must be perfect, you have this pression of don't get out of the line and don't do any mistakes. It can be irreversible. Your pulse must be accurate.
Personally, I have 3 tattos(for the moment). I made my first tattoo after finish 4th of ESO. It's a crown on the finger. My second tatto is hidden by my bra on my rib. There I have written "Todo pasa" with a lace, and I had made it last summer. My last tattoo is made a month ago, and it's my grandparents wedding year in roman numbers, MCMXCIII.
Make tattoos is a very complex process. Much people only see the final product, the superficial part of this art: the ready-made tattoo on someone's body, the form, the colours, the shades,... but don't know that nehind that is a tattooist with many pression and response over his shoulders. At first, to be a tattooist you must have the quality of beeing a super painter, and then, perfect it with drawing classes, etc. Your hand must can draw with 100% pressicion and without mistakes. Then, you must get the tattooist license(what includes an amply knowledge of hygiene and diseases). Once you get it, you must be disclosed in this big tattoo world and that is like when we search for jobs: they would many experience, but if you want experience, you must firstly work. But who contract you without experience?????? So, if you achieve this, get ready for all type of people: these who don't know what they want, these who change their opinion on the last moment, these who complains all time, these who won't like your job... You will handle with all them.

And then.. hope the customer likes(better loves!!!!)the tattoo.

I don't repent of any of my tattoos, because all three have his meaning for me and I was very very very sure of make them. They a part of me.
US election: Jeb Bush refuses to back Donald Trump
Florida Governor Jeb Bush joins Republicans who refuse to support the New York business campaign and will not vote for Donald Trump in November's presidential election.
Some Republicans said they would back Democrat Hillary Clinton, but Bush ruled that out: "Donald Trump has not demonstrated that temperament or strenghth of character, and he is not a consistent conservative. These are all reasons why I cannot support his candidacy."
Bush had previously pledged to support Republican nominee while he was a candidat for president. Republican Senator Lindsday Graham of Sth Carolina announced onn Friday dhat he also would not vote for Trump: "I think Donald Trump is going to places where very few people have gone and I'm not going with him".
Trump's campaign swiftly responded to him: "While I will unify the party, Lindsey Graham has shown himself to be beyond rehabilitton. And like the voters who rejected him, so will I", said Mr Trump.
Many republican candidates for lower offices are running on the same ballot as Trump, who alienated minority voters throught his rhetoric about building a wall in Mexico and banning US entry to Muslim travellers.
Some Republicans, including Senator McCain, have begun to call for the party to oppose the nominee and work to independently elect a conservative candidate like Nebrasja Santor Ben Sasse, who indicated that he will not support Trump.
I agree with all the republicans who not support Donald Trump, they have good reasons for it. It's not normal that this man will build a wall in Mexico and banning the entry of Muslims in the XXI century, but the worst is that there are many people that support him.
News item by the BBC
Some Republicans said they would back Democrat Hillary Clinton, but Bush ruled that out: "Donald Trump has not demonstrated that temperament or strenghth of character, and he is not a consistent conservative. These are all reasons why I cannot support his candidacy."
Bush had previously pledged to support Republican nominee while he was a candidat for president. Republican Senator Lindsday Graham of Sth Carolina announced onn Friday dhat he also would not vote for Trump: "I think Donald Trump is going to places where very few people have gone and I'm not going with him".
Trump's campaign swiftly responded to him: "While I will unify the party, Lindsey Graham has shown himself to be beyond rehabilitton. And like the voters who rejected him, so will I", said Mr Trump.
Many republican candidates for lower offices are running on the same ballot as Trump, who alienated minority voters throught his rhetoric about building a wall in Mexico and banning US entry to Muslim travellers.
Some Republicans, including Senator McCain, have begun to call for the party to oppose the nominee and work to independently elect a conservative candidate like Nebrasja Santor Ben Sasse, who indicated that he will not support Trump.
I agree with all the republicans who not support Donald Trump, they have good reasons for it. It's not normal that this man will build a wall in Mexico and banning the entry of Muslims in the XXI century, but the worst is that there are many people that support him.
News item by the BBC
jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016
China deploys folk singer to disputed Spratly Islands
China turned the reef into an island throught a dredging operation and constructed buildings and an air strip.
I find it a good idea and a boost for Song's career, but the topic with the artificial island.. I think too that it's relacionated with military use.
News item by the BBC
Syria conflict: 'Dozens killed' in Aleppo battle
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights informed rebels advanced into government-held western districts by detonating a tunnel bomb but were pushed back. The consequences had been the most intense battle(with gun battles, air strikes and arillery attacks) in Aleppo for more than a year and the death of dozens of people, killed in fierce clashed between rebel groups and government forces.
The Syirian military confirmed a 48hour ceasefire in the city. Another fighting in Aleppo in the past 2 weeks killed 300 people. The rebel groups fight under the name "Fatah Halab"
Activits reported government warplanes carried out more than 20 air strikes on rebel area after a freeze in fighting declared by the government.
After the US State Department announced an extension of the cessation of hostilities agreed with Russia, a US statement said: "Since this went into effect today in Damascus, we have seen an overall decrease in violence in these areas, even thought there have been reports of continued fighting in some locations." However, Al-Nusra(allied to a number of rebel groups) is exclused from this cessation. Syria's government and its ally Russia say al-Nusra positions there is being targeted, but the opposition and the US accuse them of indiscriminately attacking civilians and rebels.
Jan Egeland, an UN humanitarian adviser, complainer that the government was refusing to allow aid deliveries to thousands of people in besieged areas: "It's a disgrace to see that while the population of Aleppo is bleeding, their options to flee have never been more difficult than now".
"What is happening in Aleppo is a tragedy that requires a stronger reaction", said Frenc Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, asserting that the Syrian government bore full responsability for the mentioned bloodshed.
Russia confirmed it had withdrawn 30 aircraft from its airbase in Syria that were there six months after launching an air campaing to bolster president Bashar al-Assad.
*cessation of hostilities
Personally, I think that's very sad that Syria is still in a war. When will this finish? Everyone sees that it's useless and that it only produces pain on civils, like all wars in history. I hope it ends early, because there die more innocent people than these who are involucred.
News item from BBC
Activits reported government warplanes carried out more than 20 air strikes on rebel area after a freeze in fighting declared by the government.
After the US State Department announced an extension of the cessation of hostilities agreed with Russia, a US statement said: "Since this went into effect today in Damascus, we have seen an overall decrease in violence in these areas, even thought there have been reports of continued fighting in some locations." However, Al-Nusra(allied to a number of rebel groups) is exclused from this cessation. Syria's government and its ally Russia say al-Nusra positions there is being targeted, but the opposition and the US accuse them of indiscriminately attacking civilians and rebels.
Jan Egeland, an UN humanitarian adviser, complainer that the government was refusing to allow aid deliveries to thousands of people in besieged areas: "It's a disgrace to see that while the population of Aleppo is bleeding, their options to flee have never been more difficult than now".
"What is happening in Aleppo is a tragedy that requires a stronger reaction", said Frenc Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, asserting that the Syrian government bore full responsability for the mentioned bloodshed.
Russia confirmed it had withdrawn 30 aircraft from its airbase in Syria that were there six months after launching an air campaing to bolster president Bashar al-Assad.
*cessation of hostilities
Personally, I think that's very sad that Syria is still in a war. When will this finish? Everyone sees that it's useless and that it only produces pain on civils, like all wars in history. I hope it ends early, because there die more innocent people than these who are involucred.
News item from BBC
Migrant crisis: EU plans penalties for refusing asylum seekers
The basic Dublin regulation will require refugees to claim asylum in the member state where they arrive, what will stop "asylum shopping" where refugees make multiple asylum claims. An other change are the plans to help economically countries that receive much asylum claims.
UK and Ireland can opt out of asylum policies, and the British government has indicated that it won't take part. Denmark is also exempt.
There're different opinions about this proposal:
-Poland: the foreign minister says it was "a serious proposal"
-Slovakia: the interior minister complained it as failed to respect reality.
-Hungary: they called it at "blackmail" and "unacceptable"
-The Czech Republic: that it was a unpleaseant suprise as it returned to a concept of mandatory quotas that had been rejected.
The 4 countries were outvoted when the plan was agreed:
Poland had agreed some 7,000 asylum seekers and the fine would be of €1.75bn
Hungary's government announced plans for a referendum on the plan.
Germany suspended the Dublin rule in August, then it said it would take in all Syrian refugees and promped an influx of 50,000 migrants into EU via Greece.
The Commission proposed that a European Union Agency for Asylum should oversee the countries, and that there will be stronger guarantees for children without parents seeking asylum as well a change in the way family members are viewed.
I find it a very fair plan, because refugees should need at first only asylum indifferently from where. So, I think The Commission will stop the refugees that are not thankful and ungrateful that will take advantages from European helps. However, this mustn't say that refugees are not welcome.
Item news from BBC
domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016
Batxillerat review: I just want to be done
Well, finally we're on March, our last(I hope!!!!!!) month in the highschool. My feelings are very confusing: on the one part, I will finish batxillerat, forget highschool, the many exams we have in all this weeks, forget all the subjects, teachers(you not Sònia!!haha), the mornings at 7:30 picking the bus and start a new life in the University with new classmates, new friends, new ambience, my own car, more liberty, etc. But I know I will miss all this, my current classmates and teachers, the mornings in the bus, Empuriabrava,...the fact of not being adult.
Being honest, I have many fears of what will happen since September. I think we're still not conscious that all the aspects of our life will change. This doesn't mean that it will be better, it also doesn't mean it will be worst. It simply mean that nothing will be the same., because we're on the point of our life that will decide how all will continue: up to this point we have made always what our parents and our teachers says to us, but now we must decide by ourselves how we will structure our life: if we go to University or not, what we will study, if we want to work now or not, where and when all this,... and very important, how we afront it. We must catch all the oportunities life give us and make the best of it.
miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016
6 gifts for hightly sensitive mums
We have the same problem every year for mother's day(or for her birthday..or Christmas, or any other special day): WHAT TF SHOULD I BUY FOR MY MUM?????? Well, I'm going to facilitate this problem, and NO, I'm not going to recommend you to paint a beautiful draw haha.
If you have a hightly sensitive mother(what's only the 15-20% of population) you might know that her brain processes information and reflects on it more deply, so, she is more suscetible to overstimulation, over whelm, stress and anxiety.
This gifts will help you to show her your love and understanding:
China: Obesity 'explosion' in rural youth, study warns
China has suffered an incease in obesity the last two years: researchers found 17% boys and 9% girls of rural school between the 7 and 18 years that are obese. It's up from 1% for each in 1985. The study involved nearly 28,000 students in Shandong province and has been published in the European Journal of Preventive Crdiology.
Joep Perk, from the European Society of Cardiology told to AFP news agency: "It is the worst explosion of childhood and adolescent obesity that I have ever seen".
This change is owing to the China's fast socieconomic and nutritional transition, what had increased energy consume and a decrease in physical activity. Chinese people habituate to have a diet rich in fat, energy density and low dietary fibre.
We can also notice a higher prevalence of oberweight in boys: "The traditional, societal preference for sons, particularly in rural areas, may mean that boys are likely to enjoy more of the family's resources", according to the study.
The study used a weight-to-height squared of 24-27,9 for overweight and 28 and above for obese: a little bit lower than the normal ratio of 25-29,9 and 30 respectively.
The recommendation of the reseacrhers are: "Comprehensive strategies of intervention should include periodic monitoring, education on the pattern of nutrition, physical exercises and healthy dietary behaviour"
*surveys(in the original news)
Personally, I consider this news very interesting because of the final part: the preference from the Chinese people for their sons. Is this so a current problem that it's reflected on nutritional character studies??? It reminds me to Chinese's girl genocides and massive abortions. We're on XXI century and a big part of Chinese's society isn't even conscious of womens rights.
News from the BBC
Joep Perk, from the European Society of Cardiology told to AFP news agency: "It is the worst explosion of childhood and adolescent obesity that I have ever seen".
We can also notice a higher prevalence of oberweight in boys: "The traditional, societal preference for sons, particularly in rural areas, may mean that boys are likely to enjoy more of the family's resources", according to the study.
The study used a weight-to-height squared of 24-27,9 for overweight and 28 and above for obese: a little bit lower than the normal ratio of 25-29,9 and 30 respectively.
The recommendation of the reseacrhers are: "Comprehensive strategies of intervention should include periodic monitoring, education on the pattern of nutrition, physical exercises and healthy dietary behaviour"
*surveys(in the original news)
Personally, I consider this news very interesting because of the final part: the preference from the Chinese people for their sons. Is this so a current problem that it's reflected on nutritional character studies??? It reminds me to Chinese's girl genocides and massive abortions. We're on XXI century and a big part of Chinese's society isn't even conscious of womens rights.
News from the BBC
lunes, 11 de abril de 2016
Human rights
Human rights are moral principles based in legal rights that every human dispose regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status.
There are 30 human rights.
Article 22: everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, throught national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.
This important article of the Human Rights defense the everyones right to national social security: everyone is a member of society and this means that thanks his national effort and international co-operation in accordance with the organization the right to the resources of each State for improve his economic, social and cultural areas to develop his dignity and personality. I think all this is a very basic right that everyone should can enjoy, white and black, rich and poor, because our politic system must be focused on a basic objective: ensure the welfare of the citiziens, because of this the people pay their taxes.
jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016
Why I hate school but love education
"Write down to the letter, half of which I would never remember and half of which I would forget straight after the exam"
I agree with the complete text of Suli Breaks: I think nowadays our school system force us to memorize a high number of informations of many different subjects, which often we only use in class in specific hours. That's why we memorize instead learn the content and forget it after making the exam. At the time, can we actually say that our education system educate us?? Are the most educated people these who have a higher memory level?? Is that fair??
I think to solve this education problems we need to propose other effective and dynamic methods like for example the Montessory School: it's been proved that they have a more desenvoluped capacity to learn things easier without don't doing exams.
sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016
The Buckingham Palace
The Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereings since 1837. Today it's the administrative headquarter of the Bitish Monarchy. It's located in the City of the Westminister and it's often the centre of the state occasions and royal hospitality, used by the many official events and receptions held by The Queen. The State Rooms at Buckinham Palace are open to visitors every year. There are 775 rooms, including 19 State rooms, 52 Royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. The building is 108 metres long across the front, 120 metres deep(including the central quadrangle) and 24 metres high. The State Rooms are used regularly by The Queen and members the Royal Garden Parties for official and State entertaining.
The Throne Room was sometimes used during Queen Victoria's reign for Court gatherings or as a second dancing room, with a proscenium arch supported by a pair of figures of "victory" holding garlands above the "chairs of state"
The Buckingham Palace(built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703) is furnished and decorated with priceless works of art forming part of the Royal Collection, what nowadays is one of the major art collections in the world. It acquired its present appareance following a remodelling in 1913 by Aston Webb.
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016
True Heroes
Today I will share this beautiful project with you: True Heroes, a book with phantasy photographs and stories written by best-selling authors like Shannon Hale and Brandon Mull. This project is strated by a Salt Lake City lawyer-turned-photographer named Jonathan Díaz.
His book contains the stories of 21 pediatric cancer young patients who were photographed posing for make true their dreams: from a pirate and a mermaid to batman. Diaz is amazed of the childre'ns optimism: "In spite of them fighting a painful disease that is hard to their young bodies, they're so full of hope. And I wanted to share that hope throught their fantasies."
He started his photograph career when his mother gave him a Nikon camera for Christmas 2011. Then he take classes about exposure and lightening, and when he went home, he set up a tripod in the basement and strated taking pictures of his kids(4). Pretty soon, he was photoshopping pictures.
With donations from the public and corporate sponsors, he elaborated sets and costumes for children with cancer, so they could live their phantasy for a day. "The kids want to be princesses, they want to be soccer heores, fairies and firemen", he says. "To see them smiling and laughing at the photo shoots makes it all worthwhile. I love that they're able to forget their worries for a while and live out their dreams."
You can buy the book at Amazon for 14 pounds.
jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016
Turkey's first lady praises Ottoman harem
Emine Erdogan, the wife of Turkey's president, spoke in a speech to mark International Women's Day at an official event in Ankara and described the harem of the Ottoman era as an "educational establishment that prepared women for life". At Istanbul's Topkapi Palace had a harem the sultans who ruled the Ottoman empire. There lived the wives of the sultans and the female family members and concubines. Male staff were eunuchs.
Concubines kept in the harem receive training and were well fed: they were not all used for sex, but they weren't free to leave the palace if they wanted.
Some Turks criticise the first lady's comments on social media, specially on Twitter:
@GaziCaglar tweeted "Receiving education in harem doesn't make it a school. This is nonsense. There would have been about 400 concubines in the sultan's harem."
@anlam75 asked: "If the Ottoman was a scholarly institution then why were the men who worked there castrated?"
@kizmonot tweeted: "Those who mention harem do not send their daughters to anything less than American universities."
I didn't know this institution called harem, but then it is likd thd tweeters say, I'm totally against this "education" method and agree with the opinion of most of the tweets that criticise it. I don't understand the first lady of Turkey, how can she aprove this? It's male chauvinist.
News by the BBC
India migrant heads home after $150,000 Kerala lotery win
The Kerala lottery jackpot of the 10m rupee prize($150,00 - 106,000pounds) has been won by a West Bengal man called Mofijul Rahima Sheikh(22years) one day after arriving home.
He bought the ticket in Kozhikode city with the 50 rupees he earned from his first day at the work at a construction site where he has been handpicked the next day of his return to the city. Three days later, after discovering his win, the man sought protection at a police station spending there two days(until banks reopened) fearful that someone would steal his ticket. A local police official UK Shahjahan said: "He told me he purchased the ticket out of sympathy for the physically-challenged seller".
The lottery winner is married and has an eight-month-old daughter and wants to built a house. Now his relatives were reportedly planning a big reception in his village in Bardhaman district.
West Bengal workers replace thousands of people in Kerala who migrte to oil-rich countries to earn more than double the average salary.
I will win the lotery too!! :( He has got very good luck, but he deserves it more than much other who also win it. I hope he invests good that money and doesn't waste it.
News by the BBC
miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016
Amazon uses schock tactic to stop thefts at warehouses
Amazon started screening videclips in some of its US-based warehouses showing employees represented by silhouettes that are accused of stealing were caught and fired. Experts were surprised by this measure.
Bloomberg said he based his article on interviews with 11 of Amazon's current workers and security staff. One of them called this videos like "offensive": These videos show former colleagues being caught stealing things(or)changing the addresses on packages as they leave the fulfilment centre, and even some of them with the word arrested stamped on the silhouette", reported Cory Johnson. "It's a problem that Amazon is of course very concerned about, but their tactics to try to get people not to steal are reaching new heights".
The news agency said that this horrible clips are shown in flatscreen TVs in the warehouses, which are also used to display information about firings tied to workplace violence, as well as more positive announcements. In warehouses not fitted with screens, the information about sackings are taped to the walls.
Amazon is triying to deploy humans with robots in its warehouses. This robots can move goods about and carry out other simple tasks. They also experimenting with using drones to make deliveries.
I didn't knew that this happen, but I understand Amazon in the sense that they must use new measures to try to control the stealing in their warehouses. When they start with this method, it's because they have tried with others before that didn't work, so we can't criticize Amazon if we don't know what happens before. If I order a product on this website, I wold like to feel secure.
News by the BBC
Vietnam twins found to have different fathers in rare case
I'm very surprised. I didn't know this can happen!! It's very strange. However, I think there are many more cases but parents(specially women) don't want to annunce this because it involves have sexual relations with two men in a short time.
News by the BBC
martes, 1 de marzo de 2016
Boris Nemtsov murder: tens of thousands march in Moscow
Thousands of people have marched throught central Moscow with portraits of Boris Nemtsov and banners saying "I am not afraid". He had been due to lead an opposition march on Sunday, but the Kremlin is accused by Mr Nemtsov's allies from shot him dead. Putin refuse this teory.
Many people marched also in St Petersburg and they carried with the national flag and flowers in the scene of the killing, piled with tributes. A few persons hold the Ukranian flag. Some placards read: "He died for the future of Russia" and "They were afraid of you, Boris".
Ilya Yashin, an opposition politician, told that "it has been a political murder aimed at frightening the..part of the population that supported Nemstov and did not agree with the government. I hope we won't get scared".
Gennady Gudkov told: "If we can stop the campaign of hate that's being directed at the opposition, then we have a chance to change Russia. If not, then we face the prospect of mass civil conflict".
Pro-Kremlin activits from the group Anti.Maidan said they would not disrupt the march.
I think we are in the XXI's century and there it isn't acceptable that people die because of politician reasons. The solidarity from the russians with the march(where the most probably were people that doesn't agree with Netslov's thoughts) evidence that the people of the world can fight against violence.
News by the BBC
lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016
1. Our hostel in Google Maps:
The regulations of Safestay Holland Park are:
-Free internet access
-Full Scottish breakfast
-Own lockers under every bed
-Food avaiable to purchase
Smoking is not permitted
Near of the hotel, you can visit the Holland Park, the Notting Hill village, the Portobello Road and the Royal Albert hall. Safestay Holland Park is on 1h and 4 minutes on foot from the Picadilly Circus and we can get to the center with the bus on the Bus Stop Holland Park(Stops HA or HL).
2. Look for 3 must-see landmarks in London you definitely would like to visit:
THE BIG BEN: one of the most important buildings of London. It's the Great Bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminister. The official name is Elizabeth Tower and it has been completed at 1858 following the design of the architect Augustus Ougin. To arrive to the Big Ben we must take a bus and leave at the Westminister Station and walk to the clock.
THE TOWER BRIDGE: the Tower Bridge crosses the river Thames, It consists of two bridge towers tied together at the upper level by horizontal walkways. It has been built from 1886 to 1894, but at 1977 it was painted red, white and blue for Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee. You can get there by a very easy way: very near of the bridge is the London Underground Tower Hill.
THE LONDON EYE: the London Eye(now Coca-Cola London Eye) is a giant Ferris wheel to the South Bank of the River Thames in London. It's 443 feet(135m). It's Europa's tallest Ferris wheel and offers the highest public viewing point in London. It has been completed on march 2000 by the design of Frank Anatole, Nic Bailey, Julia Barfield, Steve Chilton, Malcolm Cook, David Marks and Mark Sparrowhawk. To get to the London Eye by tube you should get the Waterloo tube, which is about 5 minutes walking distance,
The regulations of Safestay Holland Park are:
-Free internet access
-Full Scottish breakfast
-Own lockers under every bed
Near of the hotel, you can visit the Holland Park, the Notting Hill village, the Portobello Road and the Royal Albert hall. Safestay Holland Park is on 1h and 4 minutes on foot from the Picadilly Circus and we can get to the center with the bus on the Bus Stop Holland Park(Stops HA or HL).
2. Look for 3 must-see landmarks in London you definitely would like to visit:
3. The musical. Choose two shows you would like to see and state why.
-The Lion King: it's one of my favorite Disney stories. I love the story and I cry every time I see the movie!!! The musicl must be very nice to see.
-Wicked: I see this musical when I was in Stuttgart, Germany. It was very funny and original, and the story is not the typically one. I think it would be liked by my classmates.
sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016
Oral TDR presentation
After seeing my video, I must say I'm proud of my work: when I must do a oral presentation in class I always feeling nervous, but slowly I'm feeling more self-confident. However, there are many aspects I must polish.
I should talk slowlier: it seems like I have pression to finish or something like this hahaha but it's because I wil make it fast and finish.
I must improve my pronunciation: I can make it with the website our teacher tell us, or asking my classmates how is the pronunciation of each word
Make it a little bit more longer: complete more my explanation and give examples
However, I thank my classmates because they give me in general very good notes(more than I expect). I give myself an 7.5-8.
jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016
Why we should eat chocolate
I must admit it... I am chocolate's fan number 1!!! And which woman hasn't conforted with lots of kg of chocolate? You know what I mean, girls!! So, here are a few benefits of chocolate. It's not all about the weight.
1. Healthier heart: many studies evidence that (black) chocolate has cardiovascular benefits
2. It helps you in your diet: dark chocolate is far more filling than you think, so it offers you a satiety feeling.
3. Happier kids: a study with pregnant women who ate chocolate daily their pregnancy reported that they were more able with stress than mother that don't consumed chocolate.
4. Diabetes prevention: chocolate contents flavonoids, which helps to control the insulin sensibility
5. Reduced stress: when very anxious people ate chocolate their stress hormone levels were significantly reduced.
6. Sun protection: thank the flavanols of the chocolate, skin took twice as long to develop that reddening efect that indicates the beginning of a burn.
7. Higher intelligence: it boosts blood flow to key parts of the brain for 2 o 3 hours, improving perfomance and alertness.
8. Cough relief: chocolate quieted coughs almost as well as codeine and supress activity in a part of the brain called the vagus nerve without negative side effects.
9. Diarrhea relief: cocoa flavonoids bind to a protein that regulates fluid secretion in the small intestine.
domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016
Can technology make a better world? (with Marta)
Think about your daily life. How many technological items do you use?
Hi tech has earned a lot of power during the last few years. It has been used in many areas like economics, society, politics, etc. However, it's not as good as we think.
On of the main problems is the massive use of technology of the children. Using electronic machines they forget about the real life outside videogames. Not like our generation: we had to leave our houses and play with our friends to have fun.
Never the less, tech has a lot of benefits: for instance you can comunicate with people worldwide, from your neighboor to your friend from Dubai via WhatsApp, Skype,...
It is also easier to spread your ideas with social networks and feel closier to your idols.
You can find the love of your life through meeting, e-darling, etc or maybe have a one night stand with Tinder.
In conlcusion: if you use Internet properly, you will enjoy all the benefits it can offer.
martes, 26 de enero de 2016
Bye bye TDR!!
Yessssss!!!! We've finished our TDR, we have our marks and we also have made the english oral presentation about it. After so many months maybe I will miss all the afternoons and night working on it hahaha. I'm very proud of my finally outcome: I've learned a lot, and apart from the losted time we spend on it, seeing it now.. it's like we've becomed our first son:') My mark is a 8. I'm agreed with this, because I think it's a very fear mark: according to the work I've done. Of course I would have a 10 but I also could have worked a little bit more. But it's OK.
The good thing of this is that now we can focus on the rest of the grade and have more time for other exams, works or why not, time for ourselfes: this is what I miss this year, specially this first months of 2nd batxillerat. Last year where more afternoons with friends, with family or sleeping, more parties, more freetime. But NO PAIN NO GAIN so all what we do now will help us to study what we really want: I will entry to University of Gerona and study Primary Education.
Now, my friends and me are waiting to carnival: only 10 days left!! And then, London. This trimester will be very moved!!
lunes, 18 de enero de 2016
Research Paper Abstract
The transition from primary school to highschool
Keywords: transition,educaction, change, primary school, highschool
What is behind the process of information transfer of children from school to highschool? To answer this question I have made a research that goes from learning the protocol used by the teachers from the primary school to which are the tasks of the highschool professors, going throw the emotions and thoughts of the involved kids. My teory is about the academic constructionism model and the steps that teachers and professors have to follow, and the practical part consists in interviewing teachers, professors, the pedagogical coordinator and students of the first grade.
domingo, 10 de enero de 2016
Dialogue in class with Marta
+Hmm... I think I want to have a boob job!
-Are you sure? There are a lot of risks.
+It's a very common OP. I don't think it's dangerous at all!
-Yes, but sometimes the silicon is too cheap and it can be broken... you know.
+Don't be a killjoy! It will make me feel more confident.
-Are you sure it's only this? I think this is not for you.
+Well... maybe I will have a nose job too.
-This is too much for you. You are beautiful as you are and there is nothing that make up can't fix.
+Well... I will think about it.
-In case you do it, just make sure the hospital is serious, will you?
+I already have an appointment.
-I hope you change your mind. You must accept who you are and live with it. Let's watch some make-up tutorials, shall we?
+Erm... I willl do it anyways.
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