sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

Mali attack: Rocket kills three at UN base at Kidal

Eight days ago, an atac with guns in a hotel in Bamako, Guinea, killed nineteen people. An new atac in Kidal(Mali) today-28 of November killed two UN peacekeepers and a civilian contractor from Guinea.
In 2014 was aproved the peacekeeping mission, after french military led Mali to drive out Islamist militants from the north. This Minusma mission consist of 10,000 soldiers from dozens of different contributor countries, with many west African neighbours.
This was not the first attack, in recent years they suffered the dead of 56 troops.
"Our camp in Kidal was attacked early this morning by terrorists using rockets"-said an official from the Minusma mission.
Suspected are Islamist militants and 14 people were injured.

UN peacekeepers in eastern Mali (file image)
The Minusma mission: missió constituïda per soldats de la OTAN que promouen la pau

I think we must appreciate a lot the work that do the peacekeepers around this war countries, because it's not easy. I'm against every war and agressive behavior.


Ukraine's police say 'goodbye' to Russian social networks

Ukraine is in the process of replacing its corrupt and brutal police with new, modern and approcheable cops who became an hit on social media. They look young, friendly, good-looking and likeable and taking selfies, what became a craze.
But the government of Ukraine is demanding a few new officers: on Wednesday, the Interior Ministry has announced the sackment of gour police officers and the investigation of other five for support pro-Russian separatists on social media posts: "They contradict the moral and ethical qualities of a Ukrainan police officer"
"There is no room in state service for those who disrespect their own country" said Anton Herashchenko, an Interior Ministry adviser, after the outing of one policeman because of the critic of the mass rallies.
In Ukraine, VK or OK are much more popular than Facebook and Twitter.
Many of the new Ukrainian police officers are prolific social media users
Mass rallies: concentració de masses

I think the officers must have enough liberty to post in their personal accounts what they want, but make it private.


'Li-fi 100 times faster than wi-fi'

A new method of delivering data called Li-fi is can deliver internet access 100 times faster than Wi-fi, offering up to 1Gbps requiring a light source, as LED, internet connection and a photo detector.
Velmenni's invention has been tested in the laboratory and have shown theoretical speeds of up 224Gpbs.
A big advantatge of li-fi is that it does not interfere with other radio signals so it could be utilised on aircraft and other places. It can't also run out any time soon because the visible light spectrum is 10,000 times larger than radio waves. The problem is that it cannot be deployed outdoors in direct sunlight.
So, li-fi can be used in limited places to supplement wi-fi networks, as in urban areas or places where wi-fi is not so safe.
How li-fi sends data

I think it's a very good invention to improve global technology, but it would be better if we can used it outdoors too.


Adele's 25 makes UK chart history with 800,000 album sales

Adele's new album 25 has sold more than 800,000 copies in its first week of release - the highest ever figure for a single UK chart week.
The new album from Adele, 25, has become the first album this year to sell more than 100,000 downloads in it's first week of release, specifically more than 800,000 copies, which 252,423 sales were digital and the rest on CD. That become more than the last 19 number one albums which topped the chart.
I'ts the first time it happens in the history of British music, say Official Charts Company's chief executive Martin Tablot, "The statistics surrounding the album are staggering. We can be all absolutely sure that more records will be toppled."
According to Billboard magazine Adele's album 25 "has done the seemingly impossible"
This record is the highest one-week US sales since the previous record of 2.4 million sells by N'Sync's No Strings in 2000.
Adele just announced her first tour since 2011 in Europe next February.
Adele - 25

I personally like only a few songs of Adele, but I'm very surprised from the great success she become with her new CD.




Thanksgiving For Syria App Lets You Virtually Share A Meal With Syrian Refugees

"Every year we get together and say we’re thankful for our health, but what does that really mean? What I’m really thankful for is that I don’t have to make the decision — like, my house just blew up, and one of my kids is dead under the rubble. Do I go through the rubble and bury him or do I try to save the rest of my family? All these terrible decisions I never have to make". -said Paul Katcher, the creator of the App "Thanksgiving For Syria", which have a very interesting running: the user select how many people are at their dinner table and what they eat. After that, the app calculates the cost of the meal and give to the users the oportunity to donate all or half of the meals cost's to an organization of the own choice.

The objective is to promote the help to less fortunate families than you, including the refugees around the world.

Thanksgiving For Syria

Blew up


I think it's a very very good App, an original way to promote people's donate and help these people who have nothing.


Dorian Gray's quote

"Each of us has heaven and hell in him"

I think it's a very intelligent quote, and totally true. Each one of us have a good part and a bad part, but always one of them has more priority and that let us know if it's  good or a bad person.

Good people have sometimes bad attitudy, and bad people are not always bad. Like a quote in Spanish(ni los buenos son tan buenos ni los malos son tan malos) say: good persons are not so good and bad persons are not so bad. We can see it at Dorian Gray, he isn't so bad how we think.

So, I think we must search for a perfect harmony between both to have a correct personality. This harmony will always be tendentious to the positivity.


6 ways to give thanks to yourself when you're alone on Thanksgiving

Elite Daily give us 6 ways to spend Thanksgiving if we're alone on this day:

1. Indulge in your hangover.
The night before Thanksgiving go with friends drinking in bars: the next day your friends are responsible to spend it with their family, while you can repose on your coach. Then lie around, order food(Chinese, for example) and maybe drink beers.

2. Watch your ultimate guilty pleasure movie.
Watch the movie which don't like any of your friends, the movie you will never admit to people you like. So watch it, laugh or cry. Be selfish.

3. Volunteer your time.
Holidays are the best time to be more altruistic and help people in need: offer your energy up to a local shelter or food bank. You will make a person's Thanksgiving a little more better.

4. Research Black Friday and uber Monday deals.
You have all day to look for your parents and siblings Christmas gifts, so you can bring a thermos of hot cocoa at a local and get your holiday shopping done.

5. Go for a walk.
Take advantage of the day of Thankgiving, when many people likely not out and walk around the city. You will can take pictures of buildings or parks without people in front.

6. Work out.
Go for a run outside or do some yoga moves. It wiill makes you feel better and healthier.


I'm very frightened from next year. I don't have things very clear, I think I'm very young to decide what I want to study and what I will work in the next years. One year ago, I was decided don't go to University next year, because I see it too difficult for me, but I don't even know what to do instead University. My mum just want my happiness, but my father was a bit troubled because he always thank I would go to University.

My family said to me: "Now you don't know what to do next year, but it will come the day when you have a 'click' and you will have all clear" and that happens: two days ago I have this famous 'click': I open my eyes and i know I must make what I always wish make: be first grade teacher. For that, I will go(if I can) to the University of Gerona, the UdG. I am afraid from the cut-off mark: 7.7. I know it will be difficult years, with many studies, but I will be sooooooooooo proud of being 22 years old and have a college career.

Teacher with Student vector 03


I'm going to talk about Black Friday. Yestarday was one of the biggest shopping day s the year, caracterized with many discounts and deals in different establishments. Here are 10 interesant facts you (probably)didn't know about the Black Friday

1. It attracks more people than Disneyland - the last year the 55% of the Americans shopped in stores ore online on Black Friday.

2. The are more people who die while shopping than in shark attacks - since 2006, seven people died and 98 injured while they're shopping on Black Friday.

3. It's not just on Friday anymore - as we have can observed there are many shops which have sales during this week or this weekend, not ony yesterday.

4. Black Friday in online stores too - you mustn't go in the cold city to pick up good deals, you could have shop online with discounts.

5. Amazon wants to dominate hollidays - it's an example of online store, Amazon had deals during the full week before Black Friday.

6. Not all stores like Black Friday - many workers will not work on Thanksgiving's Day, so you can have finded closed stores on Black Friday.

7. Some deals aren't really deals - a study from WalletHub shows that 14% have been very similar to the normal prices on Black Friday and 17% has been more expensive.

8. Pijamas are a good seller.

9. Black Friday has gone global - we've seen it in Spain too.

10. It's not the biggest shopping day - but the Saturday before Christmas.

domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015


Can you imagine your life without laughing? As Charles Chaplin said: "A day without laughing is a day wasted." The benefits of humour are more necessary than we think.

The most important thing to plead that humour is necessary is definitely the health benefits. Laugher relaxes the whole body, boosts the immune system, protect us from heart attacks and increase natural killer cells leveals.

It's important as well for our mind because it takes away stress, help us get over bad situations, release tension and allow us to feel a special kind of pleasure.

But that is not all: laugh help us in our social status, making easier the connection with other people, promoting group bonding and physical healthy, I think humour and all that humour refers to is completely necessary in our lifes. And why not laugh then? It's free!!